Notice Board

Date  Title File Link
09/05/2023 Tender Notice for Interior Decoration Works of Bangshal Sub Branch at Dhaka, Maijdee Sub Branch at Noakhali and Dinajpur Sub Branch at Dinajpur. View
08/05/2023 Tender Notice for Enlistment of Insurance Company for Deposit Products View
03/05/2023 Tender Notice for Insurance of Cash in Safe, Cash in Counter, ATM & Locker Of Meghna Bank PLC. View
30/04/2023 Tender Notice for IT Network Peripherals Updated Laptop Specification View
10/04/2023 Tender Notice for Live Action Video. View
04/04/2023 Tender Notice of Remittance Management System for Meghna Bank PLC. View
30-03-2023 RFP for availing service of verification of education certificate of employees View
27-03-2023. Security Stationery for FI &B ADC and Islamic Bnaking Window View
23-02-2023 Tender Notice for IT Network Peripherals View
20-02-2023 Tender Notice for Branding Items View
19-02-2023 Tender Notice for interior works for relocation of Uttara & Agrabad Bran View
12-02-2023 Time Extension of Retender of Enlistment of Insurance Companies View
25-01-2023 Tender Notice of Board Meeting Automation Solutions for Meghna Bank PLC. View
19-01-2023 Re Tender Notice For Enlistment of Insurance Companies View
04-01-2023 Tender Notice for Enlistment of Insurance Companies View

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